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MTN Hosting Web Business Linux
90,900 FCFA
  • Business Linux: 500 GB Diskspace | - 300 GB Trafic | - Site Builder. | 1000 Email Adresses. | PHP5.6.30 | Free .cm Domain Name | MySQL 5.5.48
  • You are buying the Product from MTN Cameroon
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MTN Domain Name .cm
7,000 FCFA
  • PRICE VAT Incl Domain Name
  • You are buying the Product from MTN Cameroon
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Domain Name .com / .org / .net
9,900 FCFA
  • Get 1 year of .com , .org or .net domain name at 9000 XAF
  • You are buying the Product from MTN Cameroon
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SME Go Digital (MBA-Platinum)
100,000 FCFA
  • En souscrivant au programme SME GO DIGITAL, vous bénéficiez de : 1. Accompagnement à la recherche de financement grâce à notre partenaire DIGIC
  • You are buying the Product from MTN Cameroon
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MTN Executive Email
2,500 FCFA
  • Pricing: 2,500 XAF/month 50 GB storage per account 01 Domain Exchange license (Standard) Features: POP/IMAP/SMTP protocol Personal
  • You are buying the Product from MTN Cameroon
In StockEcom
SME Go Digital (MBA - Frais de préinscription)
10,000 FCFA
  • Inscrivez-vous pour la prochaine session des MBA pour réserver votre place dès maintenant (Non Remboursable)! MTN Business Academy se positionne par
  • You are buying the Product from MTN Cameroon
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